I’ve taken a job as a summer nature camp counselor. I know perfect. We take kids from the Boys & Girls Club on nature hikes in urban parks and suburban nature centers, plus introduce them to outdoor activities like fishing and archery. I’m learning as much as they are…and I have a host of pictures (with the names of things) to prove it. I’ll be posting pictures and accounts of my adventures throughout the summer.
Daisy - a prairie plant wildflower.
Both purple coneflowers and daisies are found in grasslands and fields. They are members of the Asteridea or Star flower arrangement flamily.
These photos were taken of naturally occuring wild flowers growing in local city parks and nature areas in St. Louis, Missouri.
Happy WW! Ain't it great when you get paid to do things you love to do!
I invite your blog readers to see America's freedom & democracy from the eyes of an Iranian despot!
peace, Villager
Awesome Pictures!
♥~•*☼♥♫¨*•.Happy WW!.•*¨♫♥☼*•~♥
You are doing something special introducing kids to nature. I really envy you for your job. I hope you have a lot of fun, and I also hope you and the kids get to learn a lot of great new things.
Your wildflower pictures are fun to see. I myself have been trying to learn more about the wildflowers I see. My knowledge of them is sorely lacking.
Beautiful flower photos. Enjoy working at camp.
Beautiful shots and fantastic information about them! Thanks for sharing. Happy WW to ya!
Great shots! I especially love the photos of the Purple Coneflower.
Happy WW from Sara @ The Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!
Lovely photos! I love it!
happy ww!
Mariposa's WW
Beautiful shots! It's too bad you just missed the Berry Go Round Blog Carnival deadline.
Wow - these are great pictures.
Great pictures! And how cool that you got to learn a bit about them!
My WW Post
I just read about you over at The Frump Gazette. I love what you are doing with kids. Wonderful photos. I headed right over and voted for you. I hope you get to blog about the polar bears. What an amazing adventure.
Wildflowers are one of the things that made me really, truly fall in love with nature as a kid. Wonderful photographs.
I've been buried under some satisfying-but-timeconsuming research projects. It's great to be back here!
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