Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Snow Tunnel

I’m participating in Thematic Photographic 33 - Surprise.
I was in Racine, Wisconsin for the holidays and discovered this perfect hole in the 18 inch snow next to my parents’ home. There was also a trail of small animal tracks leading away from that hole. Everything was all white so my camera could not capture the tracks. But the family dog was very interested in the spot. I think it was a mole or shrew tunnel and tracks. What a great surprise-wildlife find.

Non-distinct animal tracks Tunnel


Anonymous said...

I love these photos of the snow. They are interesting, but they also make me feel nostalgic for the place I grew up.

18 inches is a lot of snow. I always wonder how small animals like shews and moles deal with large amounts of snow. I guess tunneling makes sense. Don't know why it never occurred for me.

Ingrid said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow, my poor cats would sink in !

Anonymous said...

Wow that's a lot of snow! We haven't had snow yet and I miss it. To answer your question ; yes it's the stamen in the Tigerlily. Thanks for stopping by!

Mojo said...

I have those all over my yard but they're in the ground... not snow.

Indrani said...

18 inches?! It must be awfully cold. Poor moles and shrews.

Unknown said...

Happy WW! 18 inches of snow is more than I want to deal with. I appreciate your consistency with photos related to nature...

I invite your blog readers to see a disturbing photo of suicide attempt at a national park. Why are people so willing to give up?

peace, Villager

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how adaptable animals are. And we complain about a little snow.

jams o donnell said...

Yikes that is kore snow than we get in years of winter! It must be tough for those animals that don't hibernate!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I love finding tracks.

clnmike said...


Maureen Hayes said...

When I lived in NC we had a small hole in the front yard where a momma bunny had her babies. The little bunnies were all cuddled up close for warmth and they made it through the winter. Funnily enough they left the nest on Easter morning, and I am not joking!

Happy WW!

Kit Aerie-el said...

Hmmm, I wonder what that could be. And how do critters survive out in weather with snow and ice and rain and all sort of conditions. I'm cold and I'm protected inside a heated building!

Unknown said...

We had a tiny little hole until the little shrew started living in our garage! I had no idea it would decide to do that, but I keep seeing it dart by.

Jan Parrish said...

Good eye. Happy WW. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

Must have been made by a vole.

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