More Dissertation on My Mind Photo Essaying. Plus, I’m participating in the Thematic Photographic 22 - Night. It’s nice to participate in blog-wide post efforts like this.
I’m also itching to routinely participate in an ecology or environmental education carnival – something that fits within my blog’s theme. Recommendations appreciated.
Again, I am really surprised I have anything that fits, but I’ve been gathering up my digital photos and re-discovering some gems, enjoy.
Again, I am really surprised I have anything that fits, but I’ve been gathering up my digital photos and re-discovering some gems, enjoy.
The edge of a farm - corn field near the side of a county road.
Happy WW! I look forward to seeing how your effort turns out...
I invite your blog readers to see America's First Family!
I wonder what this bait is for?
Happy WW! Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a safe trip to Cookeville!!!
I love these shots. They're a mixture of sadness that everything's been cut down, and hope for the future when everything is replanted. They definitely make me think!
Great interpretation of the theme - I appreciate your jumping right in!
Wow you have said much with this. The passing of the old and the look to the future.
Oh my and you will have a lot of work to do next Spring!!
Mine is here;
Happy WW:-))
What was it you were "baiting"?
Ya know, these shots are actually kinda spooky in a Blair Witch Project kind of way.
Happy WW!
Here's my entry. Thanks!
cool shots!
happy wednesday!
Interesting Fall series.
I'd be interested to see what you saw. Happy WW
You find one of the best gems in nature, right? :D
Happy belated WW! Thanks for dropping by my site. I like this sequence of photos. Good luck in your continuing research efforts.
Interesting shots! Thanks so much for stopping by :)
Interesting shots. What are you luring?
Wait wait, bait for what?
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