I blog for science! This you know. But now through October 22, 2011, I’m throwing my gauntlet down in the biggest philanthropic online Battle Royale in support of public education: The Science Bloggers for Students DonorChoose.org Challenge. I’m representing the Scientific American Team.
I just created a Science Bloggers for Students Page at DonorsChoose.org, to help support low-income classrooms on DonorsChoose.org. And I'm inviting you to help support it! DonorsChoose.org is an online charity connecting individuals, like all you – my most awesome readers and supporters, to classrooms in need. When I was an NSF G-K12 Fellow, I saw firsthand how much public school teachers either go without necessary supplies and equipment or pay out of their pockets or jump through all kinds of hoops to get just a smidgen of what they need to educate our children.
Here are some of my students doing hands-on science - studying birds at feeders. Litzsinger Road Ecology Center in St. Louis, Missouri
The average public school teacher spends $500 - $700 on classroom supplies out of his/her own pocket, but the maximum IRS tax deduction is only $250! This is insane and egregious!
DonorsChoose.org is the bomb because teachers can post requests, like microscopes, DNA kits, even field trips to the zoo, and you can help fund them.
And if you don’t think this campaign makes a BIG difference, then I’ll let Janet Stemwedel tell you all of the details. Check out her her post: Introducing DonorsChoose Science Bloggers for Students 2011 (with a wag of the finger for Stephen Colbert). and video at On Doing Science Right.
My goal – to raise $2,000 dollars for Urban Science Classrooms!

In keeping with my science outreach interests for middle and high school students from urban areas AND my academic interests in experiential education, general biology, environmental science and urban ecology, I have selected programs that fit the bill, including projects from my very own neck of the woods, St. Louis, Missouri.
You can visit my Science Bloggers for Students Page: Urban Science Blog Page to make a donation. Or click on my super grand Donors Choose Banner up above. It will get you to the right place.
Thanks in advance for your support!
demystifying nature, letting everyone experience
This post was originally published on The Urban Scientist on Scientific American Blog Network.