Saturday, September 16, 2006

Promoting Environmental Education to Urban Communities & African-Americans

Part of the larger aim of the program/website is to promote environmental education to urban communities, especially among African-Americans. Hence, promoting Environmental Education to Urban Communities, especially to people of color, is very important to me. There are some existing organizations that engage these communities. I want to participate in ongoing efforts to promote environmental issues to urban residents and people of color. Urban Science Adventures - an Urban Environmental Education Program for Youth and Teens - will be my vehicle.

Environmental Education Organizations

Xavier University (Louisiana) Office of Environmental Education

Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative (MELDI)

New York Restoration Project

Thursday, September 07, 2006

In Memoriam: Steve Irwin

I was truly saddened to hear of the unexpected death of conservation ecologist and science program host, Steve Irwin. I think the words of my colleague, John Flunker best summarizes the solemn feelings of many of my fellow ecologists...
Truly a great loss to the biological community, especially in terms of generating public interest in the natural world and exuding passion for the subject. Such an embodiment of pure enthusiasm for life is a rare and admirable trait, the effects of which were (are) often contagious and thus particularly valuable in a world oftentimes dominated by passive and mundane attitudes.